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- The Warm Up
The Warm Up
Simple Programming

“A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but what there is nothing left to take away”
When designing a workout program, a training facility, or curriculum simplicity is the ultimate goal. A key concept to keep in the front of mind is that simplicity if not the absence of thought. At its best, simplicity is the byproduct of careful consideration and elimination of the unnecessary. Streamline your processes, your programming, and schedule. It will free space for creativity and clarity.
My Simple Workout Template
Double Leg
Choose any exercise that involves both legs moving at the same time. Some examples would be: squat, deadlift, RDL, glute bridge, etc. While designing a multi-week plan it would be wise to balance out hip vs. knee dominate double leg movements, but that is a conversation for another time.
Single Leg
As the category suggests, choose any exercise that involves one limb moving independent of the other. Some examples being lunge variations, step ups, step downs, single leg squats, single leg deadlifts, etc. Again it would be wise to balance our knee vs. hip dominate movements based on the clients limitations and goals.
Upper Body Pull
The variations here will be vertical or horizontal pulling. You would choose a chin up or choose a dumbbell row, for example. Again, the exercise selection will be individualized based on the needs of the client.
Upper Body Push
This can be rotated through single arm and/or double arm vertical / horizontal pressing. Exercise selection would be based on a handful of factors. Some examples would be: bench press, push ups, shoulder presses, etc.
Core / Corrective Exercise
Although each of the categories above will ultimately work the body as a whole unit this is an opportunity to focus on areas of need. For a golfer this might be based on their TPI assessment, for a basketball player maybe it is knee pain management, for a baseball player maybe it is arm care. For you, maybe it is 100 reps of biceps and triceps. As always, it depends.
Bonus: Your next step would be to build an “exercise menu” for each category. From there, you can choose movements that fits your or your client the best.