The Warm Up

Winning Is Hard

“We all wait in life for things to get easier... ‘If I can just get through this, it will be easier’… It will never get easier. What happens is you handle hard better…You become someone who handles hard stuff better

Kara Lawson

In March the nation is captivated by March Madness and the chase of a NCAA Basketball National Championship. The thrill of victory and the agony of defeat. The high stakes of winning is what draws us in. Reflecting back on the lessons of March my biggest take away was, winning (or achieving) is REALLY hard.

My top 3 elements for a winning blueprint

  1. Have a plan

    Before the start of the National Championship Game UCONN Coach Danny Hurley told reporters they were treating it like 4 minute battles, media timeout to media timeout. Build a long term plan, short term plan, daily plan, hourly plan. Minute by minute you will be getting closer to your mountain top.

  2. Be who you want to be

    You want to be a college basketball player? Then you do not have a lot of choices. You have to work on your game, you have to be fit and strong, fuel yourself with the right foods and drink. You want to be a Doctor? You have to get the right grades, you have to be seek the right environments to grow. There are not a lot of choices

  3. Short term urgency, long term patients

    Attack each day, each rep, each task with unmatched focus and urgency. At the same time when the day is over have faith in the long game. Know in your heart of hearts that you will achieve, it will only take time. Sleep well each night knowing you did absolutely everything you could to get just one inch closer.