The Warm Up

The Off-Season Is Coming

Are you willing to sprint when the distance is unknown? Winning has a price, you have to ask, am I willing to pay the price with no guarantee?

Lewis Caralla

The summer off-season is a busy and important time for athletes all around the world. The changes people can make in the summer months can be dramatic and life changing. Listen to what 15 year NBA veteran JJ Redick had to say about his off-season routine.

Here are my top 3 priorities for players in the off season

  1. Skill development

    Build you game! Get better at the foundational, fundamental, essential elements of the game. In basketball it is dribbling, passing, and shooting. Too many players play games all summer long and never actually get any better.

  2. Get Your Body Right

    Total body, full range of motion strength training, all summer long. Consistency is going to be key. 2-3 days per week for 3 months can transform how your body feels and performs.

  3. Expand Your Game

    On your team you might be needed to play a very specific role. Lockdown defender, 3 point shooter, rebounder and hustle plays, for example. Finding your role, and thriving in it, is absolutely vital to team (and life) success. In the summer you should be in situations where you can expand your role. Find teams and games where you are asked and trusted to pass, dribble and shoot. No matter your size or position.